Medical Quiz

Diet Quiz


Why is this food not balanced
A.     No protein , carbohydrate and dairy
B.     No dairy ,vitamins and minerals
C.     No fats ,carbohydrate and milk

What is balanced diet?

A. Eating the right amount of food to stay healthy

B. Eating the right amount of food to remain strong

C. Planning meal to prevent sickness

Taller and bigger people need ______________ energy than shorter and smaller people.
A. same
B. more
C. equal
D. less

Which component of a healthy, balanced diet helps with constipation? 
A. Fibre
B. Fats
C. Minerals
D. Protein

What is the main nutrient that this food provides?
A.     Carbohydrate
B.     Protein
C.     Fat
D.     Vitamins


A. Carbohydrates, Fats, Meats, Fibre, Water, Protein, and Dairy

B. Fruits, Milk, Fibre, Water, Sugar, Pork, and Vitamins

C. Carbohydrates, Fats, Minerals, Water, Fibre, Proteins, and Vitamins

D. Carbohydrates, Fats, Fibres, Cheese, Meat, Protein, and Vegetables

Which of the following nutrients is important for body, cell, and muscle growth and repair?
A. vitamins
B. fats
C. proteins
D. carbohydrates

Carrots are good for us because they are

A. high in carbohydrates

B. high in vitamins

C. high in fats

D. high in proteins

Which component of a healthy, balance diet is responsible for aiding digestion? 
A. Fibre
B. Fats
C. Minerals
D. Protein

Chapatti, rice and bread are rich with

A. dairy

B. protein

C. carbohydrate

D. calcium

Define the term ‘balanced diet’.
A. A diet containing some nutrients in the correct proportions.
B. A diet containing most nutrients in the correct proportions.
C. A diet containing none nutrients in the correct proportions.
D. A diet containing all nutrients in the correct proportions.

Fish, nuts, oils and avocado are health sources of….
A. Fiber
B. Protein
C. Minerals
D. Fat

Your goal should be to have a _______________ plate. Fill in the missing word. 
A. Balanced 
B. Healthy 
C. Heavy 
D. Grain Filled 

Which one of the food categories below is NOT part of My Plate? 
A. Grains
B. Water
C. Vegetables
D. Protein

Why is the calcium important in our diet?

A. To improve our sleeping habit

B. To help our bones grow stronger

C. To repair and grow muscles

D. For healthy skin

Which component of a balanced diet is mainly responsible for resisting infection & disease? 
A. Fibre
B. Water
C. Minerals
D. Vitamins

Balanced diets contain the proper amounts of __________

A. almonds

B. nutrients

C. calories

D. sugar

Which of the following is not a function of minerals? 
A. Strengthens bones
B. Prevents dehydration
C. Blood cell production
D. Prevents fatigue 

Which nutrient provides the most amount of energy per gram?
A. Carbohydrate
B. Fats
C. Protein
D. Vitamin

Which component of a healthy, balance diet is responsible for providing energy before an event?
A. Fats
B. Proteins
C. Carbohydrates
D. Vitamins

Eating only one type of food is a good choice if it is a healthy food
A. Fact
B. Rumor

The Nutrition Facts label shows you how much of each food you should eat.

What does protein do for our body?

A. Helps us grow taller

B. Makes our bones stronger

C. Repairs muscles and helps them to grow

D. Helps us to see better

Which of the following is NOT a factor that determines how much energy we need.
A. Age
B. Gender
C. Health status
D. Level of activity

A small amount of fat in your diet is good for your body.


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