Medical Quiz

Diet Quiz


We need to drink _____ water so as to keep fit.

A. less

B. many

C. fewer

D. a lot of

Balanced diets contain the proper amounts of __________

A. almonds

B. nutrients

C. calories

D. sugar

Taller and bigger people need ______________ energy than shorter and smaller people.
A. same
B. more
C. equal
D. less

The food we eat contains

A. nutrients

B. colours

C. numbers

D. water

To be healthy, you have to cut all the fat from your diet.

Which of the following is an element essential for good health. e.g. Calcium, Iron, Potassium

A. Protein

B. Fat

C. Minerals

D. Carbohydrates

What is the main nutrient that this food provides?
A.     Carbohydrate
B.     Protein
C.     Fat
D.     Vitamins

Chocolate and other sweets are okay as long as you have them sometimes and the portion is small.  
A. False 
B. True 

This food belongs to which food group?
A.     Carbohydrate
B.     Protein
C.     Fat
D.     Fibre

Which component of a healthy, balance diet is responsible for aiding digestion? 
A. Fibre
B. Fats
C. Minerals
D. Protein

Chicken, fish and meat contain which nutrient?
A. Protein
B. Carbohydrate
C. Fats
D. Minerals

Fruit and vegetables are a good source of ?

A. Vitamins

B. Minerals

C. Both of the above

What does protein do for our body?

A. Helps us grow taller

B. Makes our bones stronger

C. Repairs muscles and helps them to grow

D. Helps us to see better

Chapatti, rice and bread are rich with

A. dairy

B. protein

C. carbohydrate

D. calcium

Foods that are high in Saturated Fat will

A. lead to a risk of heart disease

B. keep you healthy

C. build strong bones and muscles

D. help the immune system


Blood types and Blood Components Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Components of Food Nervous / Sensory System Organ Systems Transportation and Excretion Who am Eye? Gene Expression Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Parkinson Disease Knee Anatomy Regulation of Heart Rate Nutrition & Wellness Muscular System NCHSE Oxygenation