Medical Quiz

Herd Immunity Quiz

what exactly does herd immunity mean?

A. A community giving a herd of animals a disease.

B. When a lot of people heard the diagnosis.

C. When a large part of an area is immune to a disease.

D. None of the above.

Select your answer:


Fish Health Management Cardiology EMR - Trauma SCI CH2-1 Mutations Contemporary Nutrition Issues Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Thyroid Gland Balanced Diet Types of Immunity Eye Physiology Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Pollution Polio Cardiovascular System Anatomy

Other quiz:

Inheritance › View

The image shows the pattern of inheritance for colorblindness.  From this diagram we can tell that colorblindness is
A.     a codominant trait
B.     a sex-linked trait
C.     carried on the Y chromosome
D.     is associated with a dominant allele

The Skeletal System › View

Which term best describes compact bone?

A. Spongy

B. flexible

C. rigid

D. liquid