Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

(6-3.5) Some male birds perform elaborate dances in order to attract females. This is an example of _______.
A. camouflage
B. insight
C. courtship
D. mimicry

Select your answer:


Human Reproduction Vital Signs Circulatory and Respiratory System EKG CCMA Conjunctivita Breath Human Excretory System Biochemistry/Cells Composition Of Human Blood Biological Molecules Disease Outbreak and Transmission Healthy Living Inhalation Injury Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Phlebotomy

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Crossing or breeding experiment that deals with two alternate forms a single character is called

A. Monohybrid cross

B. Dihybrid cross

C. Test crosss

D. none

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what do synergy patterns entail

A. stereotyped sets of movements that occur in response to a stimulus / voluntary movement that involved pathology of muscle tone that affects joint positions after neurological damage

B. The breakdown of the primary motor cortex

C. Include our gait pattern and how we balance using our cerebellum