Breath Quiz
Obstructive respiratory failure develops when:
A. get into of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract
B. compression of the chest
C. a decrease in the respiratory surface of the lungs
D. decrease in lung compliance
E. pneumonia, pneumothorax
Terminal types of breathing include:
A. Kussmaul breathing, gasping-breathing
B. apnea, Kussmaul breathing, bradypnoe
C. tachypnoe, gasping breathing, eupne
D. apneastic breathing, polypous
E. bradypnoe, Chain-Stokes, dyspnea
What capacity of the lungs depends on the normal functioning of the perfusion, number of alveoli, thickness of alveolar-capillary membrane:
A. ventilation-perfusion ratio
B. pulmonary perfusion
C. diffusion capacity
D. lung compliance
E. lung elasticity
Under what pathological processes does lung perfusion decrease:
A. impaired contractility of the right ventricle
B. reducing the time of contact of blood with alveolar air
C. decrease in the total area of membranes
D. thickening of the alveolar-capillary membrane
E. hyaline membrane syndrome
Indicate the reasons for the development of alveolar hyperventilation lungs:
A. lung tumor
B. silicosis, hysteria
C. pulmonary edema
D. hypothermia
E. overheating
Maintaining a normal blood gas composition is ensured by:
A. ventilation of the alveoli, diffusion, perfusion
B. ventilation of the alveoli, dyspnea, diffusion
C. hyperpnea, tachypnea, perfusion
D. perfusion, hyperventilation, polypnoe
E. external respiration, gas exchange in the lungs
Regional discrepancy between alveolar ventilation and capillary blood flow leads to a violation;
A. diffusion capacity of the lungs
B. lung perfusion capacity
C. alveolar hypoventilation
D. alveolar hyperventilation
E. ventilation-perfusion relations
In what pathology does impairment of lung perfusion play a major role in development of respiratory failure:
A. pulmonary emphysema
B. pulmonary tuberculosis
C. bronchial asthma
D. right ventricular heart failure
E. thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries
What is the pathology that leads to restrictive alveolar hypoventilation?
A. edema of the medulla oblongata
B. spasm of the muscles of the larynx
C. stagnation in the systemic circulation
D. double-sided pleuritis
E. interstitial pulmonary edema
A restrictive form of respiratory failure develops with the following pathologies:
A. compression of the walls of the airways from outside
B. decrease in lung compliance
C. thickening of the airway walls with inflammation
D. increased lung compliance, laryngeal stenosis
E. compression of the walls of the airways from inside
The main factor in the pathogenesis of RDS syndrome in newborns is:
A. impaired lung perfusion
B. violation of gas diffusion
C. pulmonary hypertension
D. arterial hypotension
E. low surfactant content
What type of breathing with an excess of excitatory afferentation (stress, hysteria, skin burn, etc.):
A. rare, deep
B. dispnoe
C. apnea
D. frequent, superficial
E. frequent, deep
Indicate the reasons leading to the development of RDS-syndrome in adults:
A. direct damage to RC(Respiratory Center)
B. damage to the pulmonary capillaries
C. prolonged crying
D. altitude and mountain sickness
E. excessive hypothermia
What is the name of the state of the body in which the preservation of the gas composition of the blood is not ensured?
A. asphyxia
B. hypoxic state
C. respiratory failure
D. shortness of breath
E. cor pulmonale
Failure of breathing of the obstructive form develops:
A. stagnation in the pulmonary circulation
B. narrowing of the airways
C. lowering resistance to air movement
D. increased resistance to air movement and pneumonia
E. decrease in resistance to air movement and laryngospasm