★ Psychology Quiz
A person has a stroke on her occipital lobe. What might happen to her?
A. reduced planning abilities
B. deafness
C. coma
D. blindness
Select your answer:
Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Cell Biology & Biotechnology Cardiorespiratory System Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Vaccines Carbohydrates and Proteins Cell Psychology, Psychiatry or Social Work Virus and Bacteria Biochemistry Lab Enzymes and Digestion Integumentary System Medical Terminology Careers in Health Care First Aid Check up DNA and Polypeptide SynthesisOther quiz:
Cytology and Histology › ViewWhat happens when actin filaments fail in a crawling cell?
A. Vesicle movement is inhibited.
B. Cell movement ceases due to lack of lamellipodia formation.
C. The lamellipodia formation halts.
D. Chromosome alignment is disrupted.
Parts of the Body › View
The bone that protects the brain is the ______.
A. spine
B. skull
C. bone
D. skeleton