Medical Quiz

Life Processes Excretion Quiz


What is the outermost layer of the kidneys?

A. glomerulus

B. medulla

C. pelvis

D. cortex

What is the middle layer of the kidneys called?

A. medulla

B. pelvis

C. cortex

D. glomerulus

A nitrogen waste resulting from the breakdown of the amino acids produced during protein digestion.

A. carbon dioxide

B. bile

C. urea

D. water

The waste products produced by cellular life processes the most important of which are carbon dioxide, water, urea and mineral salts.


B. metabolic wastes

C. feces

D. enzymes

The area where all of the glucose is absorbed.

A. Loop of Henle

B. Proximal convoluted tubule

C. Distal convoluted tubule

D. Collecting tubule

Poisons can build up in the body if organs don’t filter and get rid of them. This makes you sick and you could die. What is another name for poisons?

A. toxins

B. enzymes

Which of the following mainly excretes CO2?

A. skin

B. kidney

C. lungs

D. urethra

A nitrogen waste resulting from the breakdown of the amino acids produced during protein digestion.

A. carbon dioxide

B. bile

C. urea

D. water

erm for both the bunch of capillaries and the cup-shaped structure which forms part of the nephron

A. Bowman’s capsule

B. Glomerulus

C. Malpighian body

D. Renal tubule

The lungs, kidney and skin are all part of the

A. nervous system

B. nephron

C. kidney

D. excretory system

The organ whose excretory functions include detoxification of the blood and formation of urea.

A. liver

B. kidney

C. heart

D. gall bladder

How are the lungs associated with the excretory system?

A. They help the flow of blood

B. Help you urinate faster

C. They take in oxygen.

D. They produce the waste product, carbon dioxide (CO2)

where urine is stored temporarily

A. urinary bladder

B. ureter

C. urethra

D. bile

The organ whose excretory functions include detoxification of the blood and formation of urea.

A. liver

B. kidney

C. bladder

D. gall bladder

The organ whose excretory functions include detoxification of the blood and formation of urea.

A. liver

B. kidney

C. heart

D. gall bladder

The functional unit of the kidneys which includes the glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, tubules and the Loop of Henle.

A. Malpighian body

B. renal tubule

C. renal corpuscle

D. nephron

Another term for sweating; removal of water, salt and urea through the sweat glands in the skin.

A. perspiration

B. respiration

C. reabsorption

D. transport


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