Medical Quiz

Fluid and Electrolytes Quiz

A child weighs 9.5 kg and needs to be given daily fluids via pump rate. How much do we give mL/hr? (round to whole number)

A. 29 L/hr

B. 29 mL/hr

C. 40 mL/hr

D. 40 L/hr

Select your answer:


Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Oral Hygiene Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Proteins Somatotypes Musculoskeletal Injuries Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Life Cycle - Bee Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Nervous System Medical Terminology Prefixes Nutrition Cell Cycle Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Physical Activity

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What type of cell has DNA?

A. Prokaryotic

B. Eukaryotic

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When a single parent *marries another person, this is an example of a…

A. nuclear family

B. blended or step family

C. toddler

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