Medical Quiz

Psychology Quiz

Makes decisions, plans, reasons, and carries out behaviors
A. Frontal Lobe
B. Parietal Lobe
C. Occipital Lobe
D. Temporal Lobe

Select your answer:


Body Systems Mouth - Stomach Cell Theory & Melanoma Oral Hygiene Schizophrenia Pancreatitis Measles and Hib Genetics and Probability Fish Health Management Cellular Transport and Metabolism Eye in Color Vision Infection Detection Urinary Benefits of Physical Activity Regulation of Urine Formation

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Which among the following is the one who interprets and corrects the inverted images into an upright position?

A. retina

B. optic nerve

C. brain

D. pupil

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What are the different modes of genetic inheritance?

A. Autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, and X-linked recessive

B. Mitochondrial inheritance, Y-linked inheritance, Codominant inheritance