Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular System Quiz

Identify #2 in the image:

A. Right Atrium

B. Left Atrium

C. Right Ventricle

D. Left Ventricle

Select your answer:


Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Cell Structure and Function Regulation of Urine Formation Microbio (Viruses) Nutrition and Human Digestive System Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Dental Specialties DNA Replication EMR - Trauma Skeletal System Vocabulary Respiratory and Circulatory Teeth & Microbes Joints in our Body Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Immunity and Vaccines

Other quiz:

Microbiology › View

What is the purpose of Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) and Kligler’s Iron Agar (KIA) media?

A. To detect sugar fermentation

B. To detect urease production

C. To detect pigment production

D. To detect gas production

Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals › View

Cell Diversity mainly covers which of these characteristics of life?

A. Nutrition

B. Reproduction

C. Excretion

D. Organization