Medical Quiz

Oronasal Suctioning Quiz

for clients who are unconscious, the best position will be?

A. semi fowler’s

B. high fowler’s

C. supine

D. side lying

Select your answer:


Pathophysiology Human Physiology Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases Body Tissues Vocabulary Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Transport System Environment Bacteria Structure Major Nutrients Micro Immunology Fad Diets Advanced Stretching SM2 Cell Membrane and Transport Deficiency Disease

Other quiz:

Microbial Growth › View

Which statement is correct?

A. Archea have internal membrane- bound

B. Most yeasts reproduce by budding

C. Fungi are photosynthetic microorganisms

D. Bacteria need lower moisture content to grow than molds

Immunology › View

Which of the following cell types would be most likely to express MHC class I?

A. B cells

B. T cells

C. dendritic cells

D. lung epithelial cells

E. all of the above