Topics: Knee Anatomy Quiz
What type of joint is the knee joint?
A. Hinge
B. Ball in socket
C. Modified hinge
D. modified ball in socket
Select your answer:
Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Radiography Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Muscles and Movements Surgical tech-safety Vessels Obstructive Lung Disease Cardiovascular Physiology - Function Who am Eye? Mechanical Digestion Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Body Structures and Organ Systems Healthy Lifestyle Renal Balanced DietOther quiz:
Vitamin › ViewWhich of these Vitamins is an anti oxidant?
A. B1
B. B12
C. C
D. Niacin
Hemodynamic Disorder › View
Type of embolism – from deep veins of lower extremities to veins of the lungs ;
A. most common cause of death after major orthopedic surgery
B. Pulmonary arterial embolism