★ Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Quiz
The ability to overcome resistance for longer duration is called :
A. Speed
B. Strength
C. Endurance
D. Flexibility
Select your answer:
Anatomy Components of Food Genetics Body Fluids and Blood Cells DNA & Types of Reproduction Body Structures and Organ Systems Lifetime Wellness Cellular Respiration Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Physical Activity Immunity Infectious Disease and Pathogens Hemodynamics Gastroenterology Nursing Circulatory and Lymphatic SystemOther quiz:
Cardiorespiratory Endurance › ViewThe higher your cardiorespiratory endurance score, the lower your risk of hypokinetic disease.
Microorganism - Diseases › View
Beneficial or Harmful?
yeast used to cause bread to rise
A. beneficial
B. harmful