Medical Quiz

Metabolism Quiz

Carbon monoxide (CO) binds the hemoglobin protein at the oxygen binding site. Once the CO binds, the oxygen can no longer be transported. What does this describe?

A. Non-competitive inhibition

B. Feedback inhibition

C. Substrate inhibition

D. Allosteric inhibition

E. Competitive inhibition

Select your answer:


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Tissues › View

The most correct classification of an epithelial tissue consisting of many layers of cells, in which the outer layers are flat and thin, and the basal layers are cuboidal or columnar is

A. simple columnar epithelium.

B. pseudostratified epithelium.

C. stratified squamous epithelium.

D. transitional epithelium.

E. simple squamous epithelium.

Cardiology › View

What maintains relatively constant pressure despite changes in the body posture?

A. baroreceptors

B. glucagon

C. carotids

D. insulin

E. hormones