Medical Quiz

Components of Food Quiz


Which one of the following is water-soluble vitamin?

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin B

C. Vitamin K

D. Vitamin E

Roughage helps in

A. Protecting our body from diseases.

B. Eliminates undigested food from body

C. providing energy

D. Build and repair our body parts

Beri-Beri is caused by deficiency of

A. Vitamin C

B. Vitamin D

C. Vitamin B1

D. Vitamin K

This food is reach in …

A. Carbohydrates

B. Proteins.

C. Vitamins

D. Roughage

Which one of the following minerals is an essential for developing strong bones and teeth?

A. Calcium and phosphorus

B. Iodine and sodium

C. Iron and phosphorus

D. Sodium and iron

Which one of the component is energy – giving component?

A. Proteins

B. Vitamins and minerals

C. Roughage

D. Carbohydrates and fats

Which vitamin gets easily destroyed by heating during cooking?

A. vitamin A

B. vitamin C

C. vitamin D

D. vitamin B

A person who does more physical work needs a diet that rich in

A. Fats

B. Proteins

C. Vitamins

D. Carbohydrates

Vitamins and minerals are called

A. Protective food

B. Roughage

C. Energy – Giving foods

D. Body – building foods

Name the disease which occur due to deficiency of vitamin A.

A. Night blindness

B. Marasmus

C. Scurvy

D. None of these

Select the one that is rich in proteins.

A. Cucumber

B. Gram

C. Wheat

D. Maize

What are two chemicals used in test for protein ?

A. iodine & caustic soda

B. caustic soda & copper sulphate

C. iodine & copper sulphate

D. sulphuric acid & caustic soda

Glands in the neck appear swollen in which of the following diseases?

A. Tooth decay

B. Goitre

C. Rickets

D. Scurvy

All the deficiency diseases can be prevented by

A. Cleanliness

B. Taking medicine at proper time

C. Vaccination

D. Taking balanced diet


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