Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular System Quiz


Blood consists mainly of:

A. Plasma

B. Platelets

C. White blood cells

D. Red blood cells

Which is the function of red blood cells?

A. Fight pathogens

B. Blood clotting

C. Transport nuti

D. Transport oxygen

Look at the structures and identify the name of each blood vessel

A. A: Vein
B: Artery
C :Capillary

B. A: Artery
B: Vein
C: Capillary

C. A: Capillary
B: Vein
C: Artery

D. A: Artery
B: Capilary
C: Vein

Myocardial infarction happens when

A. the carotid artery is blocked

B. the heart gets deprived of oxygen and nutrients

C. the coronary artery is blocked and the heart muscles recieve less/ no blood supply

D. The renal artery runs away

What is the main function of the heart?

A. To prevent blood from moving in the wrong direction

B. To regulate body temperature

C. To pump blood throughout the body

D. To replace oxygen with carbon dioxide

Thick partition where heart lies in between each lungs.

A. Apex

B. Base

C. Mediastinum

D. Cardiomyocytes

Fluid that lies between parietal and visceral serous pericardium, it is thin and slippery that allows heart to move without friction.

A. Fibrous pericardium

B. Parietal serous pericardium

C. Visceral serous pericardium

D. Pericardial fluid

The contraction of the heart is known as?

A. Stroke volume

B. Diastole

C. Cardiac cycle

D. Systole

Red blood cells are known as:

A. Leukocytes

B. Erythrocytes

Diastolic blood pressure can be defined as:

A. The amount of pressure in your arteries during the contraction of your heart (top number)

B. The amount of pressure in your arteries during the relaxation of your heart (bottom number)

Most of the carbon dioxide returns back into the blood in the form of

A. CarbaminoHB

B. Hydrogen Carbonate

C. Dissolved in plasma

D. CarboxyHB

Blood pressure can be defined as the force of the blood against the walls of the heart.



How many chambers does the human heart have?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 3

D. 5

A diagnosis of Hypertension would be recorded in which section of the SOAP note?

A. Subjective

B. Objective

C. Assessment

D. Plan

Which one of these molecules has the highest Affinity



C. Myoglobin


Sterile Medication Products Cell Injury Body System Interactions Ear/Eye Medical Terms Atoms and Radioactivity Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Terms for The Skeletal System Vision and Light Biomedical EKG CCMA Endocrine System and Nervous System Cardiorespiratory or Vascular Systems Cell Structure and Function Diagnostic Tools Vascular