Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Quiz


The most infectious form of leprosy is:

A. Tuberculoid leprosy

B. Borderline tuberculoid leprosy

C. Mid-borderline leprosy

D. Lepromatous leprosy

Microorganisms that can be found thriving in icy-cold climates would be considered….

A. barophiles

B. thermophiles

C. mesophiles

D. psychrophiles

E. bibliophil

For the endospore cell to change back into its vegetative state, it must go through 3 steps which is activation, germination and outgrowth. Can germination of the cell can occur without the activation process?

A. Yes

B. No

Lice and mites cause what type of disease?

A. Pathogenic

B. Parasitic

C. Systemic

D. Viral

Which of this bacteria is the largest?

A. Thiomargarita namibiensis

B. Thiomargarita magnifica

C. Epulopiscium fishelsoni

D. Mycoplasma genitalium

Head lice are a type of parasite responsible for contagious diseases and conditions



CIN agar do not contain which inhibitor?

A. Cefsulodin

B. Irganasan

C. Nystatin

D. Bile salt

Uses both Hemin and NAD as growth factor:

A. H. aphrophilus

B. H. aegypti

C. H. ducreyi

D. H. parahaemolyticus

Which of the following has more tolerance for acidic pH (lower pH)?

A. Yeast and moulds

B. Bacteria

C. E.coli

D. None of the above

Staph bacteria can be picked up on doorknobs, countertops, and other surfaces.



The amorphous version of a glycocalyx:

A. Capsule

B. Vi antigen

C. Slimy layer

D. None of the choices

Typical drumstick appearance of bacilli is observed in:

A. Clostridium perfringens

B. Clostridium tetani

C. Clostridium botulinum

D. Clostridium histolyticum.

Spheroplasts is a

A. Gram -ve bacteria lacking outer membrane

B. Gram -ve bacteria lacking cytoplasmic membrane

C. Gram +ve bacteria lacking cell wall

D. Gram -ve bacteria lacking peptidoglycan layer

What is the form of transmission of B. anthracis disease of gram positive bacteria?

A. Insect bites

B. Airborne

C. Droplets

D. Fecal-oral

Shigella-like infection of E.coli






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