Medical Quiz

Consciousness and Sleep Quiz

The EEG, EOG and EMG detect, amplify and record electrical activity in the _____, _____, and _____ respectively.

A. brain, eyes, muscles

B. brain, muscles that control the eyes, muscles

C. eyes, brain, muscles

D. muscles that control the eyes, brain, muscles

Select your answer:


Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Cell and Tissue Dermatology DNA and RNA Structures Animal Genetics and Nutrition Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Inhalation Injury Infection Detection Excretory System Plasmid Tongue and Skin Cardiovascular Med Terms HHB Immunology Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Fat

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When you don’t drink enough water you can become:
A. silly
B. hyper
C. intoxicated 
D. dehydrated

Endocrine System Disorders › View

What is the main effect of myxedema on the body?

A. Mental retardation

B. Obesity and swelling of the face

C. Abnormal increase in body length

D. Heat intolerance