Medical Quiz

Alzheimer Disease Quiz

Which of the following is a source of Omega 3 fatty acids and DHA?

A. Red meat

B. Spinach

C. Fish

D. Eggs

Select your answer:


Sterile Medication Products Pulmonology Tissues Vocabulary Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Stroke Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Advanced Stretching SM2 Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level Thrombosis, Emboliya Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Acute Responses to Exercise Physical Education Transportation and Excretion

Other quiz:

Endocrinology › View

Which of the following Oral Hypoglycemic agents acts by preventing absorption of glucose from small intestine?

A. Glimepride

B. Nateglinide

C. Pioglitazone

D. Voglibose

Anatomy › View

Immovable ends of the muscle is the

A. Origin

B. Insertion

C. Perimysium

D. Epimysium