Medical Quiz

Organisms Quiz

What are the two main groups of invertebrates?

A. Arthropods and Mollusks

B. Plants and Fungi

C. Birds and Amphibians

D. Fish and Reptiles

Select your answer:


Infection Heart Anatomy Healthcare Systems and Insurance Respiratory and Urinary Myocarditis Med Term Musculoskeletal Disease Cards BIOMEDICAL MCQ Muscles Hematology / Oncology Blood Vitals Understanding Psychology Nervous System Microbial Growth Human Anatomy and Physiology

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What is the ability of body parts to work together when you perform an activity?

A. Flexibility

B. Balance

C. Coordination

D. Reaction Time

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How are red blood cells removed from blood?

A. Turnover

B. Macrophages

C. Migration to the gut and respiratory tract

D. Have long lifespan so just move between tissue and blood