Medical Quiz

Water Macromolecules Quiz


Carbohydrates are made of





Water is the universal solvent



A protein is a macomolecule that is used to

A. give cells/systems energy

B. build cell parts

C. give cells/ systems long term energy

D. helps cells with chemical processes

The ph scale is a range of

A. 1-7

B. 1-15

C. 0-14

D. 1-20

Water is a universal solvent because

A. It can be found anywhere

B. Floats when frozen

C. It freezes when it gets cold

D. Dissolves most substances

The element is found in all organic compounds

A. Iron

B. Carbon

C. Nitrogen

D. Oxygen

True or False

Macromolecules are tiny molecules that cells need?



What are the single sugars that are the building blocks of carbohydrates?

A. Monosaccharides

B. Nucleotide

C. Fatty Acid

D. Lipid

What word describes when water is attached to other substances?

A. Cohension

B. Capillary Action

C. Adhesion

D. Surface tension

Which macromolecules stores energy, insulates us, and make up the cell membrane

A. Lipids

B. Carbohydrates

C. Proteins

D. Nucleic Acids

A carbohydrates is a macromolecule that is used to

A. give cells/systems energy

B. Build cell parts

C. Give cells/systems long term energy

D. Helps cells with chemical processes

A solvent is

A. A substance that does not dissolve

B. A compound being dissolved

C. the substance in which the solute dissolves

D. None

A substance that is being dissolved is the

A. Solution

B. Solvent

C. Solute

D. Suspension

When reading the nutrition facts on the food packaging, total fats is a measure of

A. Carbohydrates

B. Water

C. Lipids

D. Proteins

Water is necessary to

A. Give cells/systems energy

B. Build cell parts

C. Give cells/ system long term energy

D. Helps cells with chemical processes

Proteins have monomers called

A. Nucleotides

B. Amino Acids

C. Monosaccharides

D. Glycerol and fatty acids

Acids have more what?

A. OH ions

B. H+ ions

C. OH- ions

D. All of the above


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