Medical Quiz

Infectious Diseases Quiz

Which disease is air-borne?


B. Malaria

C. Cholera


Select your answer:


Systematic Bacteriology Infection Detection Dermatology Vocabulary Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Biochemistry of Diabetes Clinical Pathology Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Genetics and Probability Skin Structure CNA Introduction Diabetes Mellitus Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Sterile Medication Products Macro and Micro Nutrients Muscle Tissue

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the study of the endocrine system- its structure, functions, disorders and diseases is called

A. thyroid

B. pancreas

C. endocrinology

Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment › View

During an autopsy, what information can a PA get from the hands of a corpse?

A. Livor Mortis

B. Rigor Mortis

C. Skin for tattoos, bruises, & abrasions.

D. DNA under nails