Medical Quiz

The Brain Our Control Center Quiz

Makes decisions, plans, reasons, and carries out behaviors

A. Frontal Lobe

B. Parietal Lobe

C. Occipital Lobe

D. Temporal Lobe

Select your answer:


Brain and Nervous System Germs Surgical tech-safety Bacteriology Myocarditis Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Transplantation Immunology The Vascular System and Blood Flow Microbes Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Measles and Hib SPED Law-lympics Source of Food Human Brain

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The second-largest part of the brain that is responsible in coordinating movement, posture, and balance.

A. Cerebellum

B. Cerebrum

C. Diencephalon

D. Brain Stem

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Which component is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses across the neuromuscular junction?

A. Troponin

B. Actin

C. Myosin

D. Tropomyosin