Medical Quiz

Biology for Engineers Quiz

genes are located on specific location on chromosomes called

A. locus

B. genus

C. phylum

D. order

Select your answer:


Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Ear/Eye Medical Terms Cardiorespiratory System Skeleton and Muscles Enzymes and Movement of Substances Health and Disease Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Ears Ecology Parkinson Disease Renal System - Pharmacology Cardiovascular Nursing Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Germs Cholera

Other quiz:

Nervous / Sensory System › View

The human eye is surrounded by how many muscles?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 6

D. 5

Circulatory & Respiratory › View

Name part N.
A.     Right atrium
B.     left atrium
C.     right ventricle
D.     left ventricle