★ Skin Structure Quiz
Part of the motor nerve fiber, what is responsible for our skin getting goose bumps?
A. sebaceous gland
B. arrectory pili muscle
C. sudoriferous gland
D. excretory follicle
Select your answer:
Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens Head and Neck Anatomy DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Immunology Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery HFT Vitamins Medical Nursing Biological Organisms Classification Virus Hematologic System Body MovementsOther quiz:
Biology › ViewA wolf cub came too close to a skunk, and was sprayed by its foul smelling chemical spray. Now, the wolf cub stays away from skunks. What type of behavior is this?
A. innate behavior
B. imprinting
C. learned behavior
D. migration
Respiratory System › View
Which of the following is true about the paranasal sinuses?
A. They serve as structures for air to be warmed & humidified.
B. They increase the weight of the skull.
C. There are a total of 5 paranasal sinuses.
D. They are named after the cartilage that it is made of.