Medical Quiz

Physical Quiz

If you are physically active on most days, which of the following would you not expect as a benefit of your activity?

A. better sleep

B. lowered self-esteem

C. mood enhancement

D. stress relief

Select your answer:


Diversity Human Eye PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Fitness Thyroid Tracheostomy Care Breathing System Renal Replacement Therapies Child Development Neuron Structure Medical Microbiology IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion Trauma Immunity in Humans Healthy Lifestyle

Other quiz:

Cardiology › View

Which compartment of the heart receives oxygenated blood?

A. Left atrium

B. Right atrium

C. Pulmonary artery

D. Left ventricle

Biology › View

When an atom gains an electron from another atom, it becomes a/an ___.

A. isotope

B. negative ion

C. positive ion

D. molecule