Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Which of the following training elements would NOT suit an individual wishing to improve their muscular endurance

A. longer rest reriods

B. high repetition range

C. lower resistance

D. higher set range

Select your answer:


Major Organs Introduction to Pharmacology Neuroanatomy of CNS Cell Cycle Healthcare Careers Circulatory & Lymphatic Toxicology Muscles and Movements Heart Common Diseases in Human Beings Motor Neuron Disease Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Medical Vocabulary Anatomy and Physiology Surgical tech-safety

Other quiz:

Genetics › View

Mendel was able to draw his ideas of segregation and independent assortment because of the influence of which of the following?

A. His reading and discussion of Darwin’s Origin of Species.

B. The understanding of particulate inheritance he learned from renowned scientists of his time.

C. His discussions of heredity with his colleagues at major universities.

D. His reading of the scientific literature current in the field

Immunology › View

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), is characterized by immune complexes in serum and the basement membranes of many organs and joints.  This involves Polyclonal B-cell activation resulting in increased production of IgM and IgG, which activate complement.  Which of the following complement proteins functions as a chemotactic attractant for neutrophils, as well as an anaphylatoxin?

A. C3

B. C3b

C. C4a

D. C5a