Chronic stress is stress that is repetitive and does not go away for a long period of time. Chronic stress is dangerous to a person’s health because it has been shown to be a contributing factor to _____________ .
A. diabetes
B. heart disease
C. acne
D. osteoporosis
Select your answer:
PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Biochemistry Lab Health and Diseases Clinical Pathology Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Healthy Foundations Skeletal System Vocabulary Pathophysiology Corona Gastroenterology Nursing Lungs Anatomy Human Brain Salmonella vs E.coliOther quiz:
Paeds Edema › ViewTreatment of Acute Post Strep GN includes all these except
A. Antihypertensive
B. Diuretics
C. prednisolone
D. Antibiotics
Cardiology › View
You are treating a 67 year old male complaining of chest pain. He rates the pain at a 10/10 and describes the pain as a tearing sensation that he also feels in his back and shoulders. Your assessment reveals that the patients blood pressure is 30mmHg lower in his left arm than his right arm. You should suspect:
A. Left ventricular heart failure
B. Acute pulmonary embolism
C. Acute myocardial infarction
D. Acute aortic dissection