Medical Quiz

Human Genetics Quiz


Female gametes in humans are:

A. X


C. Y

D. X and Y

A chromosomal disorder in which it happens a loss of a chromosomal fragment is:

A. A deletion

B. A duplication

C. An inversion

D. A translocation

The recessive allele in blood type in humans is:

A. A


C. B

D. O

Hair colour is an example of a character that is:

A. Acquired

B. Hereditary

Using humans as subjects for genetic experiments is difficult because:

A. We can arrange crosses between individuals

B. Humans have a short generation time

C. Individuals tend to have relatively few offspring

D. Family history data is very accurate

A chromosomal disorder in which a fragment of a chromosome is repited is:

A. A deletion

B. A duplication

C. An inversion

D. A translocation

Male gametes in humans are:

A. X


C. Y

D. X and Y

A chromosomal disorder in which an exchange of fragments between chromosomes is produced is:

A. A deletion

B. A duplication

C. An inversion

D. A translocation

Genes found in the autosomes that have different degrees of dominance depending on the sex of the individual are:

A. Sex-linked disorders

B. Inheritance influenced by sex

C. Autosomal disorders

D. Recessive disorders

Tumours that can migrate to other parts of he body are called:

A. Mutations

B. Good

C. Metastasis

D. Bening

Genes found in the sex chromosomes produce illnesses called:

A. Sex-linked disorders

B. Inheritance influenced by sex

C. Autosomal disorders

D. Recessive disorders

Characters used to cathegorize members of a species into different groups are:

A. Discontinuous

B. Continuous

C. Acquired

D. Hereditary

When a female is heterozygous for a recessive sex-linked disorder, she:

A. Is a carrier

B. Is ill with that disease

C. Won’t pass the illness to her offspring


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