Medical Quiz

Gastroenterology Nursing Quiz


What is the medical term for stomach inflammation?



C. Gastritis

D. Colitis

What is the starting point of the digestive system?

A. Stomach

B. Mouth and Esophagus

C. Large Intestine

D. Small Intestine

What is the function of proton pump inhibitors?

A. Increase stomach acid

B. Reduce stomach acid production

C. Treat constipation

D. Diagnose diseases

Which of the following is a symptom of IBS?

A. Gallstones

B. Nausea and vomiting

C. Burning pain in the stomach

D. Diarrhea

What should a patient avoid if they have digestive issues?

A. Whole grains

B. Fruits and vegetables

C. Lean proteins

D. Spicy and fatty foods

Which part of the digestive system is primarily responsible for nutrient absorption?

A. Stomach

B. Large Intestine

C. Small Intestine

D. Esophagus

What is a common side effect of laxatives?

A. Nausea

B. Weight gain

C. Dependence if overused

D. Increased appetite

What is a common symptom of gastritis?

A. Fatigue

B. Burning pain in the stomach

C. Constipation

D. Weight loss

Which procedure is used to examine the inner lining of the colon?

A. Endoscopy

B. Laparoscopy

C. Biopsy

D. Colonoscopy

What is the role of the large intestine?

A. Absorb nutrients

B. Form feces and absorb water

C. Digest food

D. Produce stomach acid

What is the main function of the stomach?

A. Form feces

B. Produce bile

C. Absorb nutrients

D. Store food and begin digestion

What is the purpose of a biopsy?

A. To take a tissue sample for testing

B. To treat inflammation

C. To check for ulcers

D. To examine the stomach

What should a patient do if their pain worsens?

A. Ignore it

B. Come back immediately

C. Take more medication

D. Eat more food

What is a common treatment for acid reflux?

A. Antacid

B. Gallstones

C. Laxative

D. Biopsy


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