Medical Quiz

Eye and Ear Quiz


In which part of the ear is sound changed into electrical signals which are then sent to the brain?

A. outer ear

B. middle ear

C. inner ear

D. hammer

The ossicles are located in which cavity of the ear?





What part of the eye controls how much light enters the black hole (pupil) in the center of the eye?

A. optic nerve

B. pupil

C. cornea

D. iris

The coiled, fluid-filled tube in which sound waves trigger nerve impulses is called the

A. eustachian tube

B. auditory canal

C. semicircular canal

D. cochlea

E. vestibular apparatus

Which of the following structures are the sensory receptor cells that see color?





Which part of the ear contains tiny bones called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup?

A. middle ear

B. outer ear

C. inner ear

D. eardrum

Which part of the ear is a stretched membrane at the entrance of the middle ear?

A. cochlea

B. cornea

C. eardrum

D. anvil

What is the order of the path of light in the human eye?

A. cornea, pupil, lens, retina, optic nerve, brain

B. lens,cornea, pupil, retina, optic nerve, brain

C. pupil, lens, retina, optic nerve, cornea, brain

D. brain, pupil, lens, retina, optic nerve, cornea,

The two parts of the eye that refract light are the ______________.

A. eyelid and eyebrow

B. eyelid and lens

C. cornea and retina

D. cornea and lens

The axons of ganglion cells converge to form

A. The basilar membrane

B. bipolar cells

C. the auditory nerve

D. the olfactory epithelium

E. the optic nerve

In what part of the ear can damage occur to hair cells and nerve endings causing deafness?

A. cochlea

B. outer ear

C. stirrup

D. ear canal

Which of the following is true?

A. Cone cells detect light and dark

B. Rods focus light

C. Cones detect color

D. Rods detect color

Photoreceptors that detect gray tones in low light

A. Rods

B. Cones

Which part of the ear is MOST similar to the retina of the eye due to its ability to transduce energy? That is, it contains cells that convert the “sense” (vision/hearing) into a nerve impulse.

A. Cochlea

B. Semi-Circular Canals

C. Tympanic Membrane

D. Ossicles

Which part of the ear is shaped like a snail shell?

A. eardrum

B. auditory nerve

C. cochlea

D. anvil


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