Medical Quiz

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Quiz

Which gait pattern is used when one lower extremity is unable to fully bear weight?

A. Three-point gait

B. Swing gait

C. Two-point gait

D. Four-point gait

Select your answer:


Thrombosis, Emboliya Deaf Blind Stress and Mental Health Prehabilitation and Conditioning Paeds Edema Renal and Gastrointestinal System Circulatory & Respiratory Nail Enhancement Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Gene Cloning Med Term Musculoskeletal Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Cell and Tissue Fitness

Other quiz:

Respiratory System › View

Which of the following is true about upper respiratory infections?

A. It is also known as the “common cold”

B. It is also known as the “flu”

C. It affects the bronchial tree

D. It causes spasm of the bronchioles

Psychology › View

Contemporary psychology is best defined as the scientific study of

A. thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.

B. behavior and mental processes.

C. conscious and unconscious mental activity.

D. observable responses to the environment.