Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

What does M-mode recording through the pulmonic valve show as an indirect sign of pulmonary hypertension?

A. Increased a-wave and mid-systolic opening of the valve

B. Reduced a-wave and mid-systolic closure of the valve

C. Constant a-wave and early diastolic closure of the valve

D. Enhanced a-wave and late diastolic opening of the valve

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal Injuries & Workstation Design › View

What is the 1st step when you perform manual handling?

A. Lift the weight

B. Clear the path from obstacles

C. Assess the weight

D. Call for help

The Cell › View

What is the function of the VACULOES?

A. They produce energy

B. They may store a number of different substances, including potential food (to provide nutrition), metabolic waste and toxins (to be expelled from the cell), and water.

C. Absorption of light is the first step in the process of photosynthesis

D. They function in the collection, packaging, modification, and distribution of materials synthesized in the cell