Medical Quiz

Lipid Metabolism Quiz

Approximately how many molecules of ATP can be produced from the oxidation of a 20 carbon fatty acid, including those produced in the Krebs cycle?

A. 107

B. 100

C. 129

D. 136

Select your answer:


5 Major Food Groups Diabetes Pathophysiology EKG CCMA Dermis Geriatrics Teeths Thrombosis, Emboliya Movement and Locomotion Physical Pharmacology Perioperative Nursing Care Macromolecules Communicable Disease Bacteriology T Cells

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Cholera › View

What is the causative agent (pathogens) of cholera?

A. Vibrio cholerae

B. Plasmodium

C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

D. Variola virus

Biotechnology › View

In gel electrophoresis, the largest DNA fragment will appear

A. closest to the starting wells

B. farthest from the starting wells

C. three quarters away from the starting wells

D. it depends on how many fragments there are