Medical Quiz

Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Quiz


Which of the following equations is CORRECT?

NFP – net filtration pressure
GBHP – glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure
CHP – Capsular hydrostatic pressure
BCOP – Blood colloidal osmotic pressue






The force of blood pushing against your arteries is…

A. Heart Rate

B. Temperature

C. Respiration Rate

D. Blood Pressure

Which one of the following is NOT a substance typically reabsorbed by the tubules under normal healthy conditions?

A. urea

B. water

C. glucose

D. amino acids

The presence of albumin in the urine would indicate probable damage to the:

A. glomeruli

B. renal columns

C. collecting tubules

D. pyramids

Consumption of salty food will cause an increase in this hormone.


B. Aldosterone


D. Angiotensin II

E. Renin

A Doctor prescribes a Blood Thinner, like Aspirin, to a patient with a Heart Condition.
How will this Blood Thinner affect the Flow and Viscosity of Blood?

A. The Blood Thinner will Increase the Flow and Decrease the Viscosity

B. The Blood Thinner will Decrease the Flow and Increase the Viscosity

C. The Blood Thinner will Increase the Flow and the Viscosity

D. The Blood Thinner will Decrease the Flow and the Viscosity

Increased secretion of hydrogen ions would result in a(n) ______________ of blood ____________?

A. increase, pressure

B. decrease, volume

C. increase, sodium levels

D. decrease, pH

E. increase, urea

Which of these products are NEVER filtered out of the blood?

A. Blood cells

B. Water

C. Salt

D. Nutrients

An Athlete comes in Dehydrated from the Field because his body lacks ALOT of Fluids.
How does Dehydration affect the Flow and Viscosity of Blood?

A. Dehydration will Increase the Flow and Decrease the Viscosity

B. Dehydration will Decrease the Flow and Increase the Viscosity

C. Dehydration will Increase the Flow and the Viscosity

D. Dehydration will Decrease the Flow and the Viscosity

All of the following are wastes removed by the kidneys EXCEPT

A. Water

B. Urea

C. Bilirubin

D. creatinine

E. Drugs

Blood Volume and Blood Pressure are related.
What happens to Blood Pressure and the Heart Rate when there’s an increase in Blood Volume?

A. Increase in Volume leads to a Decrease in HR and BP.

B. Increase in Volume leads to a Decrease in HR and an Increase in BP.

C. Increase in Volume leads to a Increase in HR and an Increase in BP.

D. Increase in Volume leads to a Increase in HR and BP.

The hormone released by the posterior pituitary to prevent excessive water loss in the urine is ________.

A. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

B. insulin

C. cortisol

D. aldosterone

The arterial blood pressure is determined using a cuff device known as a __________.

A. Stethoscope only

B. Thermometer

C. Sphygmomanometer

D. Band

Sodium ions may be reabsorbed through

A. sodium-glucose symporters in the proximal convoluted tubules.

B. sodium-hydrogen ion antiporters in the loop of Henle.

C. sodium-glucose symporters in the distal convoluted tubule.

D. sodium-hydrogen ion antiporters in the late distal convoluted tubule.

E. sodium-chloride symporters in the collecting duct.

Which statement best describes Blood Pressure?

A. The Force applied on the Blood Vessels by the Heart

B. It’s Normal and Healthy to have extended periods of High Blood Pressure.

C. Your Blood Pressure is Higher when you Sleep.

D. Being Nervous can Decrease your Blood Pressure.

Majority of the sodium in the filtrate is reabsorbed at which of the following locations in the nephron?

A. Proximal convoluted tubule

B. Distal convoluted tubule

C. Descending loop of Henle

D. Ascending loop of Henle

E. Collecting duct

If there is an Increase in Blood Viscosity, then there will be a ________ in Resistance flowing within the Blood Vessels.

A. Increase

B. Decrease

Which of the following factors can affect GFR?

A. Adenosine

B. Intrarenal angiotensin II

C. Prostaglandin E2

D. All of the answers

E. None of the choices

The Blood Vessels vasodilate when the Heart Rate increases, like during Exercise.
Why is that?

A. Vasodilation widens the Vessels allowing more Blood Flow

B. Vasodilation narrows the Vessels allowing more Blood Flow

C. Vasodilation widens the Vessels allowing less Blood Flow

D. Vasodilation narrows the Vessels allowing less Blood Flow

ADH acts on the _____ to regulate facultative water reabsorption.

A. proximal convoluted tubules

B. descending portions of the nephron loop

C. thick and thin segments of the ascending nephron loop

D. early and late distal convoluted tubules

E. late distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts

Which of these is a solute NOT normally found in urine?

A. Glucose

B. Sodium and potassium ions

C. Ammonia

D. Bicarbonate ions

The presence of pus in urine can be caused by

A. liver disease

B. diabetes mellitus

C. a urinary tract infection

D. all of the above

Normal blood pressure is…

A. 120/80 mmHg and below

B. 80/120 mmHg and below

C. 140/90 mmHg and below

D. 80/140 mmHg and below


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