Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

Which nitrogenous bases are classified as pyrimidines in DNA nucleotides?

A. Adenine and Guanine

B. Cytosine and Thymine

C. Guanine and Thymine

D. Adenine and Cytosine

Select your answer:


Essential Nutrients Cosmetology Circulatory System and Nutrition Wellness & Influences Respiratory and Urinary Anatomy and Physiology Physical Education and Health Pain Management Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Hospital Unit Respiration in Organisms Illness and Symptoms Orthopaedic Neurology Anatomical Terminology Degeneration Pathology

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In which segment of chromosomes, is exchanged with a segment from another non homologus chromosomes, which results in two translocation chromosomes

A. Translocation

B. Transformation

C. none of the above

D. both

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All of the following are true regarding Dengue fever except

A. Positive tourniquet test is an indication for platelet transfusion

B. Complications are Hemorrhage, Shock syndrome, DIC, encephalitis, Hepatitis, myocarditis

C. Warning signs are – Abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, hepatomegaly >2cm, Fluid accumulation, lethargy, rapid rise in hematocrit with fall in platelets, mucosal bleed,

D. Severe Dengue is – Shock, Respiratory Distress, severe haemorrhage, severe organ involvement