Medical Quiz

Hematology Quiz

Refer to the following results:

PT normal APTT prolonged Bleeding time increased

Platelet count normal Platelet aggreagation to ristocetin abnormal

A. factor VIII deficiency


C. vWD

D. factor IX deficiency

Select your answer:


Regulating the Cell Cycle Male Reproductive System Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Nutrition In Animal Respiration Vocabulary - Health Type 1 Diabetes Food and Nutrition Protein Synthesis Enzymes Vitamins Molecular Biology Fainting and Nosebleed Circulatory & Respiratory System Muscle pathophysiology Muscular System NCHSE

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If someone has dyspenia –

A. they have fast breathing

B. they have slow breathing

C. it is difficult to breath

D. they are not breathing

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Which of the following statements is TRUE about someone’s immune system that has allergies?

A. Body cells are dividing at an uncontrolled rate.

B. The body is reacting to foreign antigens that are not dangerous to most people.

C. T cells and B cells in the body cannot be activated.

D. The body is mistaking its own cells for foreign antigens.