Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Quiz

What is the main function of osmoregulation in organisms?

A. Regulate temperature

B. Regulate blood glucose

C. Regulate water and solutes

Select your answer:


Dyslexia Disease, Illness and Sickness Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Child Growth and Development Cardiovascular System Anatomy Energy and Metabolism Med Term Musculoskeletal Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Medical Terminology Prefixes Covid-19 Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Organ Senses and Locomotor System EMR Pathophysiology Proteins Diseases Key Terms

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Involuntary muscle

A. muscle found in the heart

B. muscle found in the organs

C. muscle that works automatically

D. all of these

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The structure pointed at by the arrow is …

A. maxillary sinus

B. superior foramina of the nasopalatine canal

C. lateral fossa

D. zygomatic process