Medical Quiz

Normal Radiographic Anatomy Quiz

The structure pointed at by the arrow is …

A. maxillary sinus

B. superior foramina of the nasopalatine canal

C. lateral fossa

D. zygomatic process

Select your answer:


Circulatory and Nervous System Human Muscle Cellular Respiration The Energy Nutrients Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Human Digestive System Animal Genetics and Nutrition Knee Anatomy Muscular System NCHSE Urinary System Terms and Definitions - Diseases Viruses and Prions Macromolecules Nucleic Acids Human Physiology

Other quiz:

Body Defense › View

The production of antibody to destroy specific pathogens in the body is called …………………….. defense.

A. non-specific

B. specific

Microbio (Viruses) › View

Getting rid of phage lambda protein “cII” would cause…

A. Entry into the lytic cycle rather than lysogenic cycle

B. Integration of the phage into the bacterial genome

C. Prevention of viral DNA injection

D. Blockade of theta replication