Medical Quiz

Health and The Environment Quiz

How many eggs can a mosquito produce at one time?

A. about 50 eggs

B. about 100 eggs

C. about 150 eggs

D. about 200 eggs

Select your answer:


Cell Membrane and Transport CABG Surgery Circulatory System EKG Medical Term Clinical Pathology Eye Pathophysiology_Endocrine Doctor Equipments Human Physiology Diseases and Preventions Parathyroid Gland Nutrition In Animal Physical Pharmacy Teeth and Microbes Germs

Other quiz:

Brain › View

There is one pair of _____nerves.

A. lumbar

B. cranial

C. sacral

D. coocygeal

Biology › View

Stages of growth and maturity are called _.

A. development

B. metabolism

C. reproduction

D. organization