Medical Quiz

Enzymes Quiz

What is a substance called if it speeds up a chemical reaction?

A. reusable

B. catalyst

C. specific

D. fragile

Select your answer:


Neurons Deficiency Diseases Laboratory Careers Fad Diets Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems The Cell Cycle & Cancer ESR (RBC sed rate) ADVBIO Genetics Ankle Injuries Epithelial Gene Expression Blood & Blood Vessels Anatomy and Physiology DNA, RNA, Proteins

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The Floss Rule states that the word has to be a one syllable base word, and after one short vowel, the final /f/, /l/, or /s/ is doubled. What does this pertain to?

A. Reading only

B. Reading and spelling

C. Spelling only

D. I have no clue

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The study of the genome is known as

A. Biology

B. Genomics

C. Genes

D. Heredity