Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Physiology Quiz


the heart is ____ to the arm

A. lateral

B. inferior

C. superior

D. medial

It contains the cell’s DNA

A. Nucleus

B. Lysosomes

C. Ribosomes

Identify structure number 6

A. sweat gland

B. adipose tissue

C. sebaceous gland

D. arrector pili muscle

Type of tissue that connects and supports most part of the body

A. Epithelial

B. Muscular

C. Connective

The shoulder is ____ to the elbow.

A. Proximal

B. Distal

C. Superior

D. Inferior

Stimulus, Efferent Pathway, Response, Input, Output, Afferent Pathway, Receptor, Control Center

What is the correct order?

A. Receptor, Stimulus, Input, Efferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Afferent Pathway, Response

B. Stimulus, Receptor, Input, Efferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Afferent Pathway, Response

C. Stimulus, Receptor, Input, Afferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Efferent Pathway, Response

D. Receptor, Stimulus, Input, Afferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Efferent Pathway, Response

describes a position above or higher than another part of the body proper.

A. Anterior

B. Posterior

C. Superior

D. Inferior

the elbow is _____ to the fingers

A. distal

B. superficial

C. deep

D. proximal

Identify structure number 1

A. sweat gland

B. hair follicle

C. sweat pore

D. epidermis

Anatomical terms that apply to the backside of the body when it is in anatomical position:

A. Ventral and Anterior

B. Back and Rear

C. Posterior and Dorsal

D. Cephalic and Lateral

The human skeleton can be subdivided into two parts, what part is made up of the skull, sternum, vertebral column and rib cage?

A. appendicular

B. axial

Identify structure number 2.

A. hypodermis

B. dermis

C. dermal papillae

D. epidermis

This system is the external covering of the body.

A. Endocrine

B. Integumentary

C. Lymphatic

Describes the front or direction toward the front of the body

A. Anterior

B. superior

C. posterior

D. Inferior

Divides body into top and bottom portions (superior-head; inferior-feet)

A. Medial Plane

B. Sagittal

C. Proximal

D. Transverse Plane

The smallest unit of a living organism

A. Cell

B. Tissue

C. Organ

What is the dark pigment which gives skin its color?

A. melatonin

B. keratin

C. melanin

D. vitamin D

Atoms→ ______ →cells→ tissues→ organs→ organ systems→ organism

What can fit in the blank?

A. Macromolecules

B. Molecules

C. Proteins

D. Nucleotides

Which of the following is the outermost layer of skin?

A. epidermis

B. dermis

C. hypodermis

D. hyperdermis

A transverse or cross section divides the body into _____ and ____ parts.

A. Right and Left

B. Superior and Inferior

C. Anterior and Posterior

Which of the following groupings of the abdominopelvic regions is medial?

A. Hypochondriac, Hypogastric, Umbilical

B. Hypochondriac, Lumbar, Inguinal

C. Hypogastric, Umbilical, Epigastric

D. Lumbar, Umbilical, Iliac

E. Iliac, Umbilical, Hypochondriac

Name the bone located at number 8

A. Humerus

B. Radius

C. Fibula

D. Tibia

The heart is located ____ to the diaphragm.

A. Superior

B. Inferior

C. Medial

D. Lateral

the nose is ____ to the forehead

A. posterior

B. anterior

C. inferior

D. distal

The study of how the body and its parts work or function is PHYSIOLOGY




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