Medical Quiz

Urinary System Quiz

Which is the correct order of blood flow through the kidney?

A. Inferior Vena Cava, Renal Artery, Abdominal Aorta, Interlobular Arteries, Renal Vein, Afferent Artery, Efferent Arteries

B. Abdominal Aota, Renal Artery, Interlobular Arteries, Afferent Arteries, Efferent Arteriole, Interlobular Viens, Renal Viens, Inferior Vena Cava

C. Inferior Vena Cava, Renal Veins, Interlobular Viens, Efferent Arteriole, Afferent Arteries, Intlobular Arteries, Renal Artery, Abdonminal Aorta

D. Renal Artery, Interlobular Arteries, Afferent Arteries, Efferent Arteriole, Inferior Vena Cava, Abdominal Aorta

Select your answer:


Diabetes Food System & Nutrients Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Physical Activity Upper Limb Muscles and Movements Illness and Symptoms Central and Peripheral Nervous System Blood Pathology Philosophy Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Cardiovascular Health and Hygiene Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Auditory and Vestibular Neurology

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The science and the technology that researches living organisms that cannot be seen with naked eye is called ________

A. Microorganisms

B. Microbiology

C. Bacteriology

D. Microscience

Digestive System › View

Why do we eat?

A. To get the nutrients we need to survive.

B. So we can gain weight.

C. Because we enjoy it.

D. To get carbon dioxide and oxygen.