Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

A good source of Vitamin C would be

A. Oranges and Lemons

B. Turkey and Beef

C. Bagels and Toast

D. Broccoli and Spinach

Select your answer:


Microbial Growth Inheritance Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Diseases Key Terms Physical Mycology Who am Eye? Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Cell Theory & Melanoma Body Health & Wellness Vocabulary Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric The Digestive System Body Structures and Organ Systems Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Brain and Nervous System › View

Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The brain at birth weighs about 2 kilograms, has four protective features and is small in size in proportion to our body.

B. The brain has deep wrinkles, sends thousands of messages a second and has 6 lobes.

C. he brain has 4 lobes, a left and right hemisphere and an adult human brain weighs about 1.5 kilograms.

D. The brain has a protective layer called the meninges, it is smooth and all messages are sent through the occipital lobe.

Infectious Diseases › View

Nausea, fatigue and weight loss are examples of

A. sign

B. symptom