Hyphae is filamentous body plan (long, branched, thread-like cells). There are two types of hyphae;septate and aseptate. How are they differ from another?
A. Septate is not divided by crosswall while aseptate is divided by crosswall.
B. Septate is divided by crosswall while aseptate is not divided by crosswall.
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Bones PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Therapeutic Services Roots CV System A&P & Pathology Physical Education and Health Immunity in Humans Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Bonding and the Periodic Table Non-infectious Disease Asthma Enzymes and Movement of Substances Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Heart Structure and Double Circulation Cardiovascular System Terminology Name that PathogenOther quiz:
Pathophysiology › ViewWhich of the following viral diseases resulted in an epidemic in the U.S. and presents with symptoms of weakness, paralysis of the muscles, fever and headache?
A. Polio
B. Measles
C. Rubella
D. Rabies
Endocrine System › View
A diabetes mellitus patient has a high blood sugar level. A possible reason of diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 is
A. Insufficient secretion of insulin
B. Insufficient secretion of glucagon
C. Excessive secretion of insulin
D. Excessive secretion of glucagon