Medical Quiz

The Skeletal System Quiz

Bones of the arms, legs. shoulder and pelvic girdle make up the :

A. Boney thorax

B. irregular bones

C. axial skeleton

D. appendicular skeleton

Select your answer:


Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Polio First Aid Human Physiology The Energy Nutrients Health and Social Care Pulmonology/Respiratory Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Organization of Systems Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Vision (AP Psych) Vital Signs Infection Control Cell and Tissue Measles and Hib

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Medical Terminology › View

Inflammation of the throat is

A. laryngectomy

B. pharyngitis

C. colostomy

D. gastromalacia

Pathogens, Disease and Immunity › View

The adaptive immune response involves specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes which are also known as

A. platelets.

B. macrophages.

C. B and T cells.