Medical Quiz

Healthy Lifestyle Quiz

What will happened when you consume a high fat diet?

A. Thin

B. Obesity

C. Cancer

D. Chronic Kidney Disease

Select your answer:


Human Muscle Vascular Erythrocyte Disorders Lipid Metabolism Joints Nutrient Cycling Emergency Medicine Blood Typing First Aid Bleeding Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Lymphatic System CV System A&P & Pathology Blood Formation and Clotting Transportation in Organisms Oxygenation

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Composition of Blood and Blood Cells › View

What is the function of a leukocyte?

A. functions in transport of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and also transports small amounts of carbon dioxide

B. needed for blood clotting; initiates the clotting cascade by clinging to a torn vessel

C. defends the body against infection and disease by ingesting foreign materials or by producing antibodies

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders › View

The following describes which restrictive pulmonary disease:

Accumulation of air in the pleural space –> rupture in (visceral pleural or parietal pleural)

A. Plural effusion

B. Pneumonia

C. Pneumothorax