Medical Quiz

Hormones Quiz

What is the hormone secreted by hypothalamus?

A. TSH hormone

B. ACTH hormone

C. GnRH hormone

D. FSH hormone

Select your answer:


Biodiversity Conservation Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses T Cells Heterotrophic Nutrition Life Cycle - Bee Ortho Infectious Disease The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Musculoskeletal Injuries Metabolic Sauver Biochemistry of Diabetes Bones and Muscles Musculoskeletal Diseases Acute Responses to Exercise History of Healthcare Introduction to Kinesiology

Other quiz:

Respiratory System › View

What are the two gasses exchanged in the lungs?

A. oxygen and nitrogen

B. nitrogen and carbon dioxide

C. carbon dioxide and magnesium

D. oxygen and carbon dioxide

Viruses › View

Up to what percentage (%) of bacteria are killed by bacteriophages every day.

A. 40%

B. 35%

C. 43%