Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Quiz

Flap of tissue that covers the opening to the windpipe during swallowing

A. Pharynx

B. Trachea

C. Epiglottis

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Cardiopulmonary Anatomical Terminology Enzymes Vascular Plasmid Iron Kinetics Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Hemodynamic Disorder Pollution Nervous / Sensory System Genes and DNA Histology Muscles and Movements Cell Theory Genetic Engineering

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Health › View

They are technicians who make sure that your glasses are designed according to your needs as indicated by an eye doctor.

A. Optometrists

B. Opticians

C. Doctors

D. Ophthalmologists

Head and Neck Anatomy › View

What type of examination are the lymph nodes palpated?

A. intraoral

B. periodontal

C. extraoral

D. restorative