Medical Quiz

Who am Eye? Quiz

I am the coloured part of the eye

A. Cornea

B. Iris

C. Pupil

D. Optic nerve

Select your answer:


BMI (Body Mass Index) Anatomy and Physiology Virus and Bacteria Muscles and Healthy Body Cartilage Skull The Cell Cycle Respiratory Acidosis Brain Biological Molecules and Enzymes Nervous System Salmonella vs E.coli Hospital Wards and Departments Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism All About Bacteria

Other quiz:

Characteristics of Life › View

Reproduction that only involves one parent and all offspring are identical; for example, binary fission of bacteria or amoebas.

A. Asexual

B. Sexual

C. Division

D. Addition

Nervous System › View

What type of paralysis would a patient have if they sustained a spinal cord injury at the T10 level?

A. paraplegia

B. quadraplegia

C. hemiplegia

D. paresthesia