Vitamins Quiz
What are some dangers of consuming too many vitamins?
A. It can cause a buildup of plaque in the arteries
B. They can become toxic and lead to problems with body functioning
C. Nothing really happens with too many vitamins consumed
D. It can cause weight gain
E. Both A and D are the dangers of consuming too many vitamins
Which vitamins are fat soluble:
A. B complex and C
B. Iron and Calcium
C. A,D,E,K
You might end up with very weak bones without sufficient quantities of this Vitamin
A. vitamin B
B. vitamin C
C. vitamin D
D. vitamin K
Which vitamin can be manufactured by skin exposure to the sun?
A. Thiamin
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin D
Vitamin B complex and C are the water-soluble vitamins.
What is the main difference between the subgroups of vitamins?
A. There aren’t any subgroups of vitamins
B. One sub group needs to be replaced every day because they are dissolved in water and the other can be stored in fat in the body
C. One sub group provides enough nourishment for the body while the other can cause problems if consumed
D. Both of the subgroups need to be consumed on a daily basis because they cannot be stored in the body
E. Once group provides a quick burst of energy and the other provides long term energy
What foods are high in Vitamin A?
A. Sweet potatoes, Carrots, & Spinnach
B. Spinach, broccoli, kale, & brusel sprouts
C. Oranges, strawberries, grapefruit
D. Eggs, Cheese, Sunlight
E. Beef, nuts, enriched cereal, liver
It supports carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism and may help support healthy hair, skin and nails
A. Biotin
B. Folic Acid
C. Cobalamin
D. Niacin
What does the term enrichment mean in terms of nutrition?
A. The body has taken in too many vitamins and it causes a shutdown of body processes
B. Certain vitamins are added to foods when they are not naturally present
C. A lack of most vitamins in the body which causes it to not function properly
D. It is when more vitamins are added to foods because to improve nutritional value or replace what was lost during processing
E. None of the above refer to fortification
The B vitamin family is made up of, how many B vitamins?
A. 10
B. 9
C. 8
D. 7
It is most commonly known for its role in fetal health and development as it plays a critical role in the proper development of the baby’s nervous system.
A. Biotin
B. Folic Acid
C. Cobalamin
D. Thiamin
What is the main role of vitamin C in the body?
A. Helps form new cells and reduces the risk of birth defects if taken by a pregnant woman
B. Helps protect against illness and heal wounds
C. Helps the body use calcium
D. Helps with blood clotting
E. Helps with vision at night and production of white blood cells
Calcium helps to:
A. Prevent birth defects
B. Vision
C. Build strong bones
What are the Vitamin B required to maintain healthy nervous and neural systems.
A. vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6
B. vitamin B1, B2, and B12
C. vitamin B1, B6 and B12
D. all the B Vitamins.
What are vitamins used for in the body?
A. A quick useful source of energy
B. Help to regulate body processes
C. Act as stored energy for the body
D. All of the above
E. Both A and B are correct